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Load a basic program without print "LOADING" etc?

Posted: 19 Oct 2017 15:10
by Crazyboss

Is it possible to load a basic program without get the "Found" and "Loading" text ?

I previous fix it by using VS4 and use the same color for ink and paper :) but now i want to make a loader using the text mode :)

I guess it could be possible if copy the rom code, and avoid the part the displays that text to screen?

Does the ROM knows how long the file is and how far in the file we are ? Then a routine could display how many % of the file have been loading so far ?

Re: Load a basic program without print "LOADING" etc?

Posted: 19 Oct 2017 21:12
by Martin A
you try:

VS 7: LOAD "whatever"

And use the 1 line status screen where "Ready" usually appears.