"The Source" - Second Printing, now taking orders . . . .

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Re: "The Source" - Second Printing, now taking orders . . .

Post by Dave »

Current status . . . selling like hot cakes !

I did think that this was likely to happen, but, as I had very few committed "orders", although I took a chance and ordered a few extra copies as I expected there to be a few more people interested once the book became available, they are almost gone. Obviously, I did not want to end up with a lot of unsold copies that I had paid for, so, the number of spare copies is VERY limited and now almost exhausted.

The six of us who had expressed a definite interest, MK, MA, JB, IH, IC and myself have copies either reserved or posted - any that have not been posted yet will get sent as soon as I have your addresses - if I don't already have it.

I had a futher "note of interest" before the book was printed, so an additional copy is tentatively reserved at the moment. I'll keep hold of that one until I hear one way or the other from PD.

A further one has been bought and paid for already (AG).

Since it became available, I have had enquiries from a number of potential buyers overseas (SD, DKW, RS), again, I have tentatively reserved them until I hear whether those folks want to follow up with an order.

Could those people please note that the costs that I have indicated for shipping to your location are for untracked and uninsured packages. I am pretty confident that Royal Mail will dispatch the books overseas, but I can't gaurantee the reliability of the postal service at your end - you will be a better judge of that than I. If you are in any doubt about this shipping option, you may want to consider tracked and insured shipping, athough this will cost considerably more than the intrinsic value of the book

Sadly, that means there are no more copies available - unless someone drops out. If anyone else is interested, I will need to create a waiting list that I will leave open for a while to see whether it is worth doing another print run. In fairness to people who committed to this at an early stage, the PDF will not be available for download for some time, although, I may "drip feed" some chapters onto the website over the next few months.

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Re: "The Source" - Second Printing, now taking orders . . .

Post by Dave »

And another update . . . .

Just to reiterate the Facebook post

The Post Office obviously charge by the phase of the moon - they charged an additional 70p each for the books sent today, so, I'm afraid the UK price has to go back to £10.20 - sorry
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Re: "The Source" - Second Printing, now taking orders . . .

Post by AndyGarton »

Thanks again Dave, received mine this morning and am very happy :)
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