Adding files to SD card with win32

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Adding files to SD card with win32

Post by TheCorfiot »

Hi guys...

I love my Remorizer and have created my own SD card that currently holds 4 partitions.
I used windiskimage 32 to initially write the sddisc.bin file to the card which worked great and once booted I then reconfigured as above and succesfully formatted the remaining 3 partitions.

What I would really like to do is sort out a process for adding com,mtx,run,bas files to partition 2, ie type 1A

I am completely confused by dd and cpmtools as following Andys guide I am not getting the expected on screen responses...

Would anyone be kind enough to give me some guidance and maybe an idiots step by step guide on what I should be doing...

For example when using the filter option with dd, it states invalid filter and thats using removeable as well as removable....doh.

Help this is the final piece of the puzzle and would complete my use of this amazing piece of kit.

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Re: Adding files to SD card with win32

Post by TheCorfiot »

After much interwebs reading I sussed it.

My SD device is //./k:
Skip=2, chooses the third partition, 1st is 0, when reading and creating the dat file.
Seek=2, selects the third partition to write the dat file back too.

Even mastered cpmtools to extract files from mtx floppys and add them to dat files..

Wow now I am one happy chap.
Does everything I could possibly want.

Sadly FDXB.COM will not run under REMEMOrizer...

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Re: Adding files to SD card with win32

Post by Dave »

Hi again,

are you sure that FDXB will not run?

I have not tried it on mine yet, but FDXB is pretty "brain dead" - it will only run from my FDX's "A" drive (the one mapped to the boot drive - normally "B"), have you tried running it from "A"?


p.s., as you said earlier an "idiots step by step guide " to using dd etc. to write SD cards on Windows would be useful for others. Given your skill now, perhaps you would care to write one and I'll post it on the website :-)
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Re: Adding files to SD card with win32

Post by TheCorfiot »

Will do Dave....i wrote loads of notes down...
Will try FDXB from Drive A, thx for the tip, I just want so see both screens in action lol....

TC ;)
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Re: Adding files to SD card with win32

Post by Dave »


What do you mean by "both screens in action"?

Games will use the MTX Video/TV output
CP/M Software (apart from games) will use the 80 column screen
- As far as I recall, nothing writes to both at the same time.

Or do you just want to play with BASIC on the 80 column screen?

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Re: Adding files to SD card with win32

Post by TheCorfiot »

Hiya Dave

Running FDXB under Memu, both screens are active..
For example VS4 Still outputs via the mtx's VDP, whilst the 80 column card is still active and can display either text or simple graphics all under control from basic...

The FDX Basic manual also confirms this but doesnt go into much detail.
Would be cool to experiment on the real hardware...

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Re: Adding files to SD card with win32

Post by Dave »

Ah, OK, I'm with you now.

I just checked Andy's pages for programs that don't work with REMEMOrizer and sadly, FDXB is one of them. As I said, it needs to write to drive "A" but it does low level disk I/O which REMEMORizer obviously can't,

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Re: Adding files to SD card with win32

Post by AndyKey »

Yes, FDXB.COM does direct low level I/O to the FDX FDC.
The later version of FDXB.COM looks for SDX FDC, and failing that reverts back to FDX FDC.

I wonder if it would be possible to patch FDXB.COM to make a third version that looks for SD Card hardware, then falls back to SDX FDC and then FDX FDC?

Bet it would be very difficult to do (we have no source to FDXB), if it can be done at all...

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Re: Adding files to SD card with win32

Post by TheCorfiot »

Andy, hi.

That would indeed be most cool, but as you say finding the source code is the problem..

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Re: Adding files to SD card with win32

Post by AndyKey »

Given the title of this thread, I though it would be worth an update...

Accessing content on SD Cards, or on images of partitions copied from SD Cards is now massively easier under Windows.
Use the CP/M Callback Filesystem - see
Basically you map a drive letter to it, and then use normal Windows Explorer or other commands.

Same technique works on images of filesystems from other media, such as floppies.
{{{ Andy
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