Have a look at this TI99/4A version of Scramble...

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Have a look at this TI99/4A version of Scramble...

Post by stephen_usher »


The TI 99/4A has essentially the same graphics chip as the MTX so we all know its limitations. I'd just like to know how the heck this person got smooth parallax sideways scrolling, multi-coloured sprites and more than 4 sprites on a scan line! Amazing.
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Re: Have a look at this TI99/4A version of Scramble...

Post by gunrock »

Ah, that's by Rasmus Moustgaard!

He's done some amazing things with the TI99.







Many of them are technical proof of concepts, not full games, but he sure is a talented chap.
Steve G
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Re: Have a look at this TI99/4A version of Scramble...

Post by Potholepete »

Impressive version and a smart use of the VDP. If you look closely you can see the sprite limits being reached but it is really well controlled. Scramble was my 2nd favourite arcade game so anyone feel like doing an MTX port step forward ;-)
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Re: Have a look at this TI99/4A version of Scramble...

Post by gunrock »

I see your emoticon, so I guess your port request might be tongue firmly in-cheek... :)

However, even with the source (I'm not sure Rasmus has published), translating from one cpu architecture to another is not exactly straightforward and the 6809 (nope!), the TMS9900 in the TI was a step change at the time, as it had features in common with the 68000 line.

Edit - got myself mixed up with the Dragon 32 and later TRS80 models! :oops: The TI, of course uses a TMS 9900, which is a weird 16bit cpu in an 8bit era. Brave of TI to go for it (or stupid, perhaps?)
Last edited by gunrock on 31 Aug 2021 14:22, edited 3 times in total.
Steve G
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Re: Have a look at this TI99/4A version of Scramble...

Post by Potholepete »

Actually I'd love a port of Scramble for the MTX, we published Quazzia at the time as our take on Scramble which has smooth scrolling etc and it is a good game in itself and plays very well, that said there is always room for an arcade classic based on the original level designs etc so anyone out there with the time and skills who wants to port this version step forward :)
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Re: Have a look at this TI99/4A version of Scramble...

Post by gunrock »

@stephen_usher: that video you posted, I just noticed that is the one which is F18A FPGA VDP ( https://www.eetimes.com/creating-the-f1 ... 9918a-vdp/ ) enhanced, hence the multicolour sprites and such.

The ordinary TMS9918 version (which is just as good - less multicolour sprites) is here:

Steve G
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Re: Have a look at this TI99/4A version of Scramble...

Post by Potholepete »

That is very impressive and given its supposed to run on native TI99 hardware should be doable as is on the MTX..
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