Pal Daughterboard dead.

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Pal Daughterboard dead.

Post by Crazyboss »

Any experts around ?

I had a dead pal Daughterboard, First I thought it was the lm1889, so i desoldered it, and it worked nice in another pal daughter board.

Now i wonder if it actually could be the x-tal 4.3mhz thats dead ? i didn get puls from it at the right freq.

That was one of the them, I also had another board where the picture switches between black and white and blue screen like normal but when it had colors, i get a lot of ghosting colors, like red ghost colors. Any one know why?

With todays hardware would it be possible to make new daughter boards, more simple ? it looks like there are a lot of components at the original ones and not much space around them.
//CLAUS - Webmaster at
Martin A
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Joined: 09 Nov 2013 21:03

Re: Pal Daughterboard dead.

Post by Martin A »

Looking at the schematic, the mono signal path, is based on the Y signal and has only 2 resistors, a capacitor and a transistor. So a pretty minimal mono only board ought to be pretty simple to build

You can feed the colour difference signals into some modern TVs, and you'll get a nice sharp, and very blue picture.

That blue cast is what the TMS2RGB is designed to improve on viewtopic.php?p=4930#p4930.
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