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The screw at the bottom of the MTX

Posted: 06 Nov 2020 18:23
by gunrock
There is a screw in the middle of my MTX on the underside of the case. It turns (without unscrewing - it seems) and can be pulled up and then it springs back into place.

Should it be able to do that (or should it be screwed in)? And what is it for?

Re: The screw at the bottom of the MTX

Posted: 06 Nov 2020 18:35
by Martin A
That connects the botom of the case to the heatsink and the 5v regulator. It should be tightish, but not super tight as that will bend the motherboard.

See P23 of the service manual ... m#hardware

Re: The screw at the bottom of the MTX

Posted: 06 Nov 2020 20:10
by gunrock
Thanks Martin. I'll investigate (hoping to strip it down for a good clean this weekend).

Re: The screw at the bottom of the MTX

Posted: 08 Nov 2020 12:27
by thewiz
It sounds like you have a screw loose :D

Re: The screw at the bottom of the MTX

Posted: 09 Nov 2020 15:26
by gunrock
@thewiz, oh yes, in more ways than one, I'm sure.

I've bought 30-something year old home micro without prior knowledge of whether it works or not and spent probably the same amount again on parts, that are coming from the four corners of Europe, to make a power-supply, for which I am definitely not qualified to do! :lol:

My wife thinks I'm mad and also a wild spend-thrift!

Re: The screw at the bottom of the MTX

Posted: 13 Nov 2020 12:32
by 1024MAK
Yes the screw (machine screw) should be tight. The idea is that the internal metal heatsink is held tightly against the metal case so that heat can flow from the metal heatsink to the case.


Re: The screw at the bottom of the MTX

Posted: 13 Nov 2020 21:35
by gunrock
Ok, good to know.

I'll be taking a look at it soon, I'm hoping to weedle some time to strip it down and clean it up (now my key puller has arrived) this weekend.


Re: The screw at the bottom of the MTX

Posted: 15 Nov 2020 23:55
by gunrock
Turns out the retaining nut was just loose.

Gave her a good clean. The keyboard sub-strata was utterly rank.
Kets must come off
Kets must come off
20201115_224716.jpg (93.9 KiB) Viewed 12971 times
Give 'em a shake with warm, soapy water
Give 'em a shake with warm, soapy water
SmartSelect_20201115-224604_Gallery.gif (977.97 KiB) Viewed 12971 times
Rinse and repeat
Rinse and repeat
SmartSelect_20201115-223942_Video Player.gif (8.03 MiB) Viewed 12971 times
More work required to clean up the keyboard base and motherboard.