Question #2: EXEROM and tape loading

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Question #2: EXEROM and tape loading

Post by kokkiklhs »

Well, I saw the fabulous EXEROM that started as a project for the Spectravideo SV328 and I was impressed... Unfortunately I only have a SV318 here (16k only) and this option is out of question for me. I could try to upgrade the RAM of the 318 to 64k, but I really don't want to butcher this rare machine, I;d rather keep it original and untouched...

So, now that I also got the mighty MTX512, I realized that EXEROM was portd to the MTX as well and I thought that this was the perfect time for me to check it out!!!
Unfortunately the documentation I've managed to find is poor/non-existent so I haven't understood how to use it and if usage on a stock, real MTX512 (no emulators and add-ons involved) is finally possible.
I assume (and hope) it is, but could someone explain in detail the complete procedure that needs to be followed in order to load some MSX ROM image on the real machine, using tape input ONLY?
I'd love to be able to have e.g. one complete .WAV that consists of the EXEROM loader and the .BIN of, let's say, Antarctic Adventure.
I see in the compatibility list that this game loads OK on MTX hardware using EXEROM...
Is this doable, or am I just confused from what I've read so far?

Thanks for any help!!
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Re: Question #2: EXEROM and tape loading

Post by Dave »


Exerom was developed by Timo Soilamaa (NYYRIKKI), it looked like it was going to be a fantastic way of getting access to a much wider range of games on the MTX - the MSX range is huge compared to the MTX! However, he seems to have moved on from the project and it is not being developed any more - at least, not for MTX.

This is a real shame as it appeared to be almost there, Martin and I spent some time testing it and gave feedback - in fact, at one point, it was going to be integrated into Martin's ROM code for our MTX expansions. Unfortunately, a couple of germlins remained to be fixed but Timo didn't have the time, or perhaps the desire, to fix them.

If you have any dialogue with NYYRIKKI on other forums, you might like to ask whether he might revisit it - MTX users would really appreciate it! Sadly, without his input, it is effectively dead :cry:

If you did want to try it on MTX, my notes here might help ... exerom.htm

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Re: Question #2: EXEROM and tape loading

Post by kokkiklhs »

Hi Dave, thank for your reply!
It's exactly in your webpage, where I've learnt about EXEROM for the Memotech, but I was expecting to find some more detailed info about using it... Of course it's not your fault but the author's, even inside the ZIPs with the several provided versions there is not the least rudimentary info about using that thing with real machine, IF it ever was possible...
Pity that this project is dead, it was probably the most promising option (games-wise) for the MTX...
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Re: Question #2: EXEROM and tape loading

Post by Dave »


I do/did have it working on the MTX to some extent. Let me dig out the version that I had and see if I can recall the command line that I used, I will get back to you tomorrow on that
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Re: Question #2: EXEROM and tape loading

Post by kokkiklhs »

Dave wrote: 03 Apr 2021 18:52 Hi,

I do/did have it working on the MTX to some extent. Let me dig out the version that I had and see if I can recall the command line that I used, I will get back to you tomorrow on that
Oh, that's super!! Thanks!!!
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Re: Question #2: EXEROM and tape loading

Post by Dave »

I have updated the web page with more detail for running on a real MTX

Martin worked out how to do this - I had forgotten how it was done until I looked back through the email trail.

Anyway, you need to create a loader program that puts the game and EXEROM files in the right area. This was quite easy on CFX etc. where you have the facility to load and save files easily to "disk". (The same technique **should** work for tape, but it will be much more awkward, having to swap tapes etc. but hopefully the info is useful.)

I thought about what I just said, and unfortunately, it WON'T work with tapes - the USER READ command reads in a block of memory from disk - it was added with the SDX disk ROM and is not present on the base OS ROM so the load sections would need to be rewritten.

now, if only we could persuade Timo to revisit it to get it fully working . . . . .

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Re: Question #2: EXEROM and tape loading

Post by kokkiklhs »

Dave wrote: 04 Apr 2021 17:49 I have updated the web page with more detail for running on a real MTX

Martin worked out how to do this - I had forgotten how it was done until I looked back through the email trail.

Anyway, you need to create a loader program that puts the game and EXEROM files in the right area. This was quite easy on CFX etc. where you have the facility to load and save files easily to "disk". (The same technique **should** work for tape, but it will be much more awkward, having to swap tapes etc. but hopefully the info is useful.)

I thought about what I just said, and unfortunately, it WON'T work with tapes - the USER READ command reads in a block of memory from disk - it was added with the SDX disk ROM and is not present on the base OS ROM so the load sections would need to be rewritten.

now, if only we could persuade Timo to revisit it to get it fully working . . . . .

Wow, thanks for your time, Dave, for doing all these! I really appreciate, even if the result is not the desired... I will try to contact Timo as well, in order to ask him for further development, I dunno what the chances are, but we have nothing to lose, anyway! :)
It surprises me in a very unpleasant way that there's no option of loading a memory block from tape on such an advanced machine... So you mean that there is not equivalent of e.g. LOAD""CODE of the Spectrum for the MTX??? :o
I hope I just didn't understand...
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Re: Question #2: EXEROM and tape loading

Post by Dave »

Hi, I'm sure that you can load blocks from tape, it's just that I'm not sure how to do it.

I am also sure that someone else will jump in here - Martin perhaps?

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Re: Question #2: EXEROM and tape loading

Post by kokkiklhs »

Dave wrote: 05 Apr 2021 13:16 Hi, I'm sure that you can load blocks from tape, it's just that I'm not sure how to do it.

I am also sure that someone else will jump in here - Martin perhaps?

Oh, I see, so let's just wait!! I was about to have a stroke... :lol:
Anyway, thank you for answering, what you've done so far is a good start, and we all know that the start is half the job done!!
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Re: Question #2: EXEROM and tape loading

Post by Dave »

kokkiklhs wrote: 05 Apr 2021 13:28 Anyway, thank you for answering, what you've done so far is a good start, and we all know that the start is half the job done!!
mmm, if only my wife saw my half done jobs that way :D
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