MTX512 loading information required.

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MTX512 loading information required.

Post by oldster54 »

Hi MTX'ers

The MTX512 was my second computer (after the famous (infamous?) Sinclair ZX81 - way back in the 80's). I really enjoyed using my MTX512 .
After many years now, I am now retired, & have decided to try & re-visit some of my old haunts, including this one!
I have the keyboard unit, games & PSU, but unfortunately I have lost the original tape deck with the Mic & Ear sockets which the MTX512 needs to load games onto it. Not one of my present cassette decks (I have several) has the required sockets on board, so I would like to ask - does anyone know how to load games etc.onto an MTX512 using today's types of media?


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Re: MTX512 loading information required.

Post by Dave »


Welcome to the forum.

As you might imagine, loading from tape files these days is a real pain. If you have no alternative though, check out the downloads page on Claus's site :

He has audio files that you should be abl to play from a PC (if it has a sound card obviously).

If you are more serious about using your MTX, then check out Andy's REMEMOrizer

Or dare I say it, MAGROM ... magrom.htm

Bill B
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Re: MTX512 loading information required.

Post by Bill B »

Or, since you have the games (assuming that the tapes are still playable), and multiple cassette decks, it is a question of a suitable adaptor cable for one of the decks.

If you only want to load existing games then all you need is a cable from a headphone out or line out socket on one of your cassette decks to the headphone socket on the MTX. The connection on the MTX should be a 3.5mm jack plug, Ideally a mono plug, although you will probably get away with using a stereo one. If using a mono jack plug, then just connect it to one of the channels (either left or right) out from the cassette deck.

If you want to save games from the MTX, then you will also need a cable from the mic socket on the MTX to a microphone or line in socket on the cassette deck. Another 3.5mm mono jack plug for the MTX. Ideally connect the output (tip of the plug) to both the left and right channel inputs on the deck.
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