Memotech MTX: Title

Looking for ROMS... Like the Pascalrom and other roms.... Please Email if you have them in binary file or so...... Also Looking for EH the programmer of Blobbo,Toado and Super Minefield..... Please Email me:)

Hits since 11-May 2003:

Last update: 2-JUNE 2012

Memotech MTX: Title


This page, is dedicated to the Memotech MTX computer, a good old homecomputer, from the early 80's. From a time, when 32k was enough, and 64k was for the ones, who must have bigges!. In this homepage, I have tried to put all the stuff I could think of, to help for those out there, still using this old computer.

The whole idea of making this homepage, was to help other Memotech MTX users, as well as getting new contact with these people - another of my maingoals is to collect as much as possible of the software for the Memotech MTX. In my download area you will find a list of the software, I have managed to collect so far. I can not repeat myself to many times by saying: "If you have Memotech MTX software, which is not listed at my download-page, please email me!!!".
My own history about Memotech MTX: The Memotech MTX was my first computer, I got it in 1987, and used it pretty much in my teenage-years. Since the Memotech MTX, I have had: SpectraVideo 328, MSX, MSX2+, ZX-Spectrum, Commodore Vic 20, Commodore 64, MSX Turbo-R and of cause PC's.

I am currently working together with another Danish Memotech MTX freak "El Senator" - do not forget to visit his place at the web too, take a look at my Links page!

Currently I have a Memotech MTX512, its working, but if anyone know how to get it working with my FDX box please email me. When i put the rs232 board inside the MTX cant show a clear picture, it turns gray and strange graphics appairs on the monitor. I think its lack of power, maybe a weak power unit. Anyone can confirm or help please email..............

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