Memotech MTX: Title

Looking for ROMS... Like the Pascalrom and other roms.... Please Email if you have them in binary file or so...... Also Looking for EH the programmer of Blobbo,Toado and Super Minefield..... Please Email me:)

Hits since 11-May 2003:

Last update: 2-JUNE 2012

Memotech MTX: Title


Welcome to :
Tape Covers Page 

At this page i will put the Covers from the Memotech MTX games, currently i only have a few originaly tapes, but you are very welcome to support the page, by sending my your tapes/covers or both as a donation. All the tape covers are stored in Microsoft word format, the pictures inside the word file are scanned in 600dpi, and contains both the front and the backside of the tape cover.

Click on the picture to download the word file.

Alice In Wonderland

MTX Chess

MTX Draughts




Surface Scanner





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